The Blog Theory: The One Who’d Post for Business

Social media reporter for Global Landscapes Forum Jakarta (Credits: Global Landscapes Forum Flickr Page)

I took a cup of coffee and brought it to the table in which I placed the laptop. Walking through rows of tables, tried to remember the faces, groping if they were students like me. 

Jakarta seem to be always busy, even inside the buildings; everyone in the room was staring at their laptop screen in Rapha Room 2, JS Luwansa Hotel and Convention Center. Fixing the position of his glasses, Peter Casier greeted us. Peter Casier, an online media consultant, who has traveled to 150 countries, provided social media training to social media reporter of Global Landscapes Forum that morning. 

Social media, so close to the daily life of people in millennium era. You can ask everyone in your housing complex and found that no one has never activated a social media account. However, the closer we are to the virtual world does not mean we are getting closer to be “futuristic human”.

The social media, provides every kind of features which might simplify our life, has not been effectively utilized by the user. Supported by the huge human population, South East Asia occupies the 5th place out of 12 regions as the region with the fastest growth rate of internet users (Smart Insights 2017). The growth rate of internet users in South East Asia can be a strategic business target for companies, and also a strategic targets for our own personal branding; especially for those who have been graduated recently. 

Clearly, the convenience of social media makes big companies laid their success focal point to posts on their virtual account; in other words, they make their account as a platform for professional use of marketing and branding. Marketing and branding tools might only be famous among businessmen, and rarely been used by personal users. It is so unfortunate for personal users to not starting their personal branding tools in this era, considering that the virtual worlds grow even bigger year after year. With a total of 11.658.760 Facebook users and 1.387.300 Linkedin users, Jakarta is the best audience target for personal branding for those of you who want to attract the attention of big bosses in the company (Brand24).

Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram, and Blogspot are the social media tools that is glanced by many big companies to know the activeness and the professionalism of their prospective workers in virtual world.

“I tell you one thing, when you are invited to an interview, believe me that they already saw your Linkedin or Facebook account beforehand.” Peter told me a piece of important information in the training.

Our professionalism and active communication on social media will show a piece of our personalities and cleverness in sharing, writing, and creating information. The company will not want to pick a prospective worker who posts fake news, hoax, or irresponsible information related to certain companies or person in their Facebook feeds. Even worse, the company will not pick a prospective worker who posts pieces of their love life in Linkedin article. 

To be considered active in social media, whatever the media it is, users need to write. Writing is the essential skill that must’ve been mastered by professional users. Writing posts or adding information into a post is a way to show pieces of yourself in social media. You can post an interesting status or opinion in your Facebook to show the amusing side of yours, or to show your interest in certain issues. To be more professional, you can start writing articles in your Linkedin feeds. You can use as much social media account as possible to show yourself to the world, or to the big bosses of company.

For some people, writing has never been an easy task, including for me. Fortunately, I was given an opportunity to learn how to write as a professional user. Last week, Peter taught me how to write a fashionable blog not only for traveling blog, but also for research publication. Since I am a college student and sometimes dealt with researches, I am skilled in writing scientific reports, but never skilled in writing blog posts. Back in the workshop, Peter told me to start writing my own blog post with following reasons; first, to challenge myself in writing fashionable blog posts for research findings, and second to give me the opportunity for personal branding.

So here I am on the blogspot, starting my own tools for personal branding. Also to share thought with you. I am posting for business here.
“One thing that my mom said to me; what’s the use of the discoveries if no one knows it? That’s what we do, we make the boring research paper into a fashionable blogs” – Peter Casier, Online Media Consultant (Present), Former Country Coordinator, Head Emergency Support Office United Nations (2010)



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