Namaku Pram: Showing the Writer’s Blessings in Disguise
Photo credit: Dia.Lo.Gue Art Space Kemang Born in Blora in 1925, Pramoedya Ananta Toer was a pure Javanese who dedicated his life and mind to Indonesia. His writings which are full of cold criticisms toward the governments and the Javanese feudalism – which based on his thought was the thing that hold back the Javanese from modern development – made his writings were banned for public consumption and also resulted him to spend half of his life isolated in some rural islands. He was no person of a luck, he had gone through a couple of isolations and desperations before he could publish his phenomenal novels and writings which eventually made the eyes of the world turned to him and made him be acknowledged as the most thoughtful author that Indonesia has ever had. The life of Pramoedya Ananta Toer was coming in the form of notes, archives and letters which were frankly displayed on the Namaku Pram: the Notes and Archives exhibition held at Dia.Lo.Gue Art Space Kemang, South Ja...